terms and policies

1. Booking the Service

– Reservations must be made in advance via the website www.yarca.vip  as a recommendation at least 8 weeks before the required tourist service, which is subject to availability of the requested services.

– Any modification to the contracted services must be made at least five calendar days before the visit to the tourist place, they must be via email and verify that it has been received by Yarca and verify availability.

2. Payment Terms

– All reservations must be made with a first payment of 20% 12 weeks prior to the visit Bank Deposit and sending the receipt to the email. The next 80% minimum 8 weeks before the tour to keep the service in effect.

– All reservations must be paid 100% at least 8 weeks in advance to secure spaces.

3. Returns and Rescheduling

– To reschedule any tour, you must send an email to admin@yarca.vip  with the relevant justification at least 8 weeks before the scheduled date of the purchased service.

– Cancellations of the reservation up to 8 weeks in advance will have a 100% refund. Or if it is candelada between weeks 4 and 8 before the date of the event, a 50% refund will be made and can be rescheduled. Cancellations 4 or less weeks in advance will not be refunded.

4. NO SHOW Policies

– Yarca will not refund money for services already paid when there is a cancellation within the last 4 weeks before the event, this will be considered as a NO SHOW. See point 3. Returns and rescheduling.

5. Cancellation of Service

– If the participants of the tour disobey regulations provided by the guides or those in charge of the tour, they will be indicated in the first instance the request to attend to indications, if they continue with problems caused, the participant will be asked to return to the transport or the total cancellation of the tour will be made.

– If weather conditions are an impediment to the tour, it will be canceled for the well-being and safety of the visitors and Yarca STAFF team.

6. Policies and Commitment to the Environment

– Due to our commitment to the environment, we ask that when traveling and visiting tourist spots, you do not throw garbage out of the windows of vehicles or on the trails, and please use the trash cans made for this purpose or deposit the waste in containers for its respective separation.

– Each participant is responsible for their own waste. Preferably use reusable containers.

– The extraction of plants, animals or other natural resources from the places to be visited is not allowed.

– Only travel on trails or areas intended for public use and thus generate a minor impact on biodiversity, just as all photographs of animals must be taken at a prudent distance so as not to alter their habitat as well as not use flash.

– The manipulation of flora and fauna is not allowed for safety issues of both the visitor and the ecosystem to be treated, as well as the extraction of elements from the place to be visited, whether minerals, flora or fauna.

7. Presentation and Conduct

– The clothing of the participants must refer to the place to be visited, wear sunglasses, comfortable clothes, mountain tennis shoes or closed shoes, sunscreen, mosquito repellent, waterproof jacket or poncho.

– In the different services that are offered, it is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages both within the transport and in the places to be visited, if so, the person will be asked in a respectful way that this action is not allowed, if the person does not comply with the regulation, the requested service will not be provided. In the event that the visitor omits this rule, any damage done to the transport, the guide or the other tour companions will be charged to the person who hires the services. If a passenger’s behavior is due to the effect of excessive consumption of liquor or other drugs, our company will proceed to remove him from the service that is being provided, reserving the right to transport him as it may put the integrity of other people, collaborators or our team at risk.

– The guide reserves the right to suspend the tour in the event that the attitude, conduct or actions of one or more members of the group impede the operation of the field tour or threaten the rights, welfare, safety or enjoyment of the other members of the group as well as other visitors to the site.

8. Health & Emergencies

– It is the responsibility of each participant to inform the guide in advance of possible health problems such as blood pressure, sugar problems, allergies of interest, altitude sickness, mobility problems, recent pregnancies or operations or any other important condition to be known. On the tour the guide or coordinator will carry a Basic First Aid Kit, however, each participant must carry their respective medication prescribed by their doctor if necessary.

– Each participant must abide 100% by the current regulations of the Anti COVID-19 protocol, carry their own hand sanitizer, use masks in closed areas, wash hands at each place of visit and physical distancing.

9. Liability

– None of the tours designed, induces danger or unnecessary risks and for this reason the guide does not assume responsibility in case of injuries, wounds or stings originated by natural causes related to wildlife and/or environmental, physical and climatic conditions of the sites visited, however, Yarca has a Civil Liability Policy or all the staff has knowledge of the protocols to follow.

– The guide or coordinator is not responsible for loss of life, personal injury, or for any damage or loss of personal belongings or valuable equipment of the participants, which may occur during the field tour, due to causes such as natural or force majeure.

– Each participant is responsible for their valuables, so our company is not responsible for loss of these or for damages that may be caused during their visit to the place.

10. Photographs

– The guide in charge of the service to be provided will keep a camera or mobile device which will be used to take photographs and videos during the tour, this material would be published on our website and social networks, as well as some photographs or videos could be used as promotional material.

– If the participants do not accept to be captured by these technological means, as well as the use of the images for various reasons, both personal and work, the person in charge of the contracted service must be communicated and their right not to be used will be respected.

11. Opinions / Recommendations / Complaints

– Yarca has a goal of creating excellent experiences for our friends and customers, so your opinions are welcomed, as well as recommendations which make us grow and provide a better service, so we would like to fill out our form with your impressions of the service provided.

– Any situation that generates a possible claim must be handled within a maximum time of two calendar days through our email admin@yarca.vip , after the situation occurs in order to give the due process and the corresponding response will have a maximum duration of eight calendar days. (No exceptions)

– If you have a complaint or claim it will be of utmost importance to us, so we would like to send an email explaining in detail the situation, as well as proof if they exist, which will only be received two calendar days after the service is provided and it will be answered no later than eight calendar days or our staff will contact us to expand the information and thus be solved in the best way possible. way.

Any type of queries or modifications to this Terms and Policies document will be sent via email or by phone to assess these pertinent actions.